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azd up / provision / deploy の違い | Azure Developer CLI

Azure Developer CLIにおけるリソースデプロイ系コマンド、

  • azd up
  • azd provision
  • azd deploy



最近、Azure Developer CLIを触っています。

リソースをデプロイするためのコマンドとしてazd up / azd provision / azd deployの3つがありますが、違いがパッと分からなかったので整理してまとめます。

# 作業環境
$ azd version
azd version 0.8.0-beta.2 (commit 429b6ccf9a9d1616efa8988f2f8561deeb464c71)

azd up / provision / deploy


azd up / azd provision / azd deployの違いは、

  • azd provision: インフラをデプロイする
  • azd deploy: アプリをデプロイする
  • azd up: インフラとアプリの両方をデプロイする



You can run azd up to perform both azd provision and azd deploy in a single step.

「azd upを使えば、azd provisionとazd deployを1ステップで実行できます」


$ azd --help

The Azure Developer CLI is an open-source tool that helps onboard and manage your application on Azure

  azd [command]

  Configure and develop your app
    auth        : Authenticate with Azure.
    config      : Manage azd configurations (ex: default Azure subscription, location).
    init        : Initialize a new application.
    restore     : Restores the application's dependencies.
    template    : Find and view template details.

  Manage Azure resources and app deployments
    deploy      : Deploy the application's code to Azure.
    down        : Delete Azure resources for an application.
    env         : Manage environments.
    package     : Packages the application's code to be deployed to Azure. (Beta)
    provision   : Provision the Azure resources for an application.
    up          : Provision Azure resources, and deploy your project with a single command.

  Monitor, test and release your app
    monitor     : Monitor a deployed application.
    pipeline    : Manage and configure your deployment pipelines.

  About, help and upgrade
    version     : Print the version number of Azure Developer CLI.

    -C, --cwd string    : Sets the current working directory.
        --debug         : Enables debugging and diagnostics logging.
    -h, --help          : Gets help for azd.
        --no-prompt     : Accepts the default value instead of prompting, or it fails if there is no default.

Use azd [command] --help to view examples and more information about a specific command.

Deploying a sample application
Initialize from a sample application by running the azd init --template [template name] command in an empty directory.
Then, run azd up to get the application up-and-running in Azure.

To view available templates run `azd template list` or visit:

Find a bug? Want to let us know how we're doing? Fill out this brief survey:


deploy      : Deploy the application's code to Azure.
provision   : Provision the Azure resources for an application.
up          : Provision Azure resources, and deploy your project with a single command.


  • deploy: アプリケーションコードをAzureにデプロイする
  • provision: アプリケーション用のAzureリソースをプロビジョニングする
  • up: 単一コマンドでAzureリソースのプロビジョニングおよびプロジェクトのデプロイを行う





# 事前準備
azd auth login
# -> ブラウザが開いて認証
# Logged in to Azure.

# テンプレートでプロジェクトを初期化
azd init --template todo-python-mongo


アーキテクチャ | 図はソースコードより

azd provision

まずは、まっさらな状態からazd provisionを実行します。

$ azd provision

Provisioning Azure resources (azd provision)
Provisioning Azure resources can take some time

You can view detailed progress in the Azure Portal:

() Done: Resource group: rg-todo-python
() Done: Log Analytics workspace: log-xxx
() Done: Key vault: kv-xxx
() Done: App Service plan: plan-xxx
() Done: Application Insights: appi-xxx
() Done: Portal dashboard: dash-xxx
() Done: App Service: app-web-xxx
() Done: Azure Cosmos DB: cosmos-xxx
() Done: App Service: app-api-xxx

SUCCESS: Your project has been provisioned!
You can view the resources created under the resource group rg-todo-python in Azure Portal:

Azure Portalからprovision状況を確認した様子

このようにazd provisionではAzureリソース(インフラ)が構築されます。

azd deploy

azd provisionに続けて、azd deployを実行してみます。

$ azd deploy

Deploying services (azd deploy)

  () Done: Deploying service api
- Endpoint:

  () Done: Deploying service web
- Endpoint:

SUCCESS: Your Azure app has been deployed!
You can view the resources created under the resource group rg-todo-python in Azure Portal:

Service apiとservice webにコードがデプロイされています。



ちなみに、azd provisionをまだ実行していない状態(Azureリソース/インフラが構築されていない状態)でazd deployを実行しようとすると、下記のエラーが発生します:

$ azd deploy   

Deploying services (azd deploy)

  (x) Failed: Deploying service api

ERROR: getting target resource: getting default resource groups for environment: todo-python: resource not found: 0 resource groups with prefix or suffix with value: 'todo-python'


azd up

最後に、リソースが何も無いまっさらな状態からazd upを実行します。

$ azd up

Packaging services (azd package)

  () Done: Packaging service api
- Package Output: /var/folders/qb/xxx0000gn/T/
  () Done: Packaging service web
- Package Output: /var/folders/qb/xxx0000gn/T/

Provisioning Azure resources (azd provision)
Provisioning Azure resources can take some time

You can view detailed progress in the Azure Portal:

() Done: Resource group: rg-todo-python
() Done: Log Analytics workspace: log-xxx
() Done: App Service plan: plan-xxx
() Done: Key vault: kv-xxx
() Done: Application Insights: appi-xxx
() Done: Portal dashboard: dash-xxx
() Done: App Service: app-web-xxx
() Done: Azure Cosmos DB: cosmos-xxx
() Done: App Service: app-api-xxx

Deploying services (azd deploy)

  () Done: Deploying service api
- Endpoint:

  () Done: Deploying service web
- Endpoint:

SUCCESS: Your Azure app has been deployed!
You can view the resources created under the resource group rg-todo-python in Azure Portal:

このように、azd upでは1ステップでazd provisionazd deployの両方分の処理が実行されました。


Azure Developer CLIにおける、azd up / provision / deploy の違いを整理しました。





What is the Azure Developer CLI (preview)? | Microsoft Learn

Make your project compatible with Azure Developer CLI (preview) | Microsoft Learn

GitHub - Azure-Samples/todo-python-mongo: A complete ToDo application that includes everything you need to build, deploy, and monitor an Azure solution. This application uses the Azure Developer CLI (azd) to get you up and running on Azure quickly using React.js for the Web application, Python (FastAPI) for the API and Azure Cosmos DB API for MongoDB for storage.