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cargo testでprintを表示する | Rust

cargo testでprint結果を表示する方法を整理します。



cargo testは、デフォルトではprintln!等のprint結果が表示されません。

今回は、cargo testでprint結果を表示する方法の備忘録を書きます。

# 作業環境
$ cargo --version
cargo 1.59.0 (49d8809dc 2022-02-10)

cargo testでprint結果を表示する


cargo test -- --nocapture

上記のように、-- --nocaptureを付与することでprint結果を表示することができます。

ここで--nocaptureの前には--が必要です。 一見奇妙なオプションの渡し方ですね。




$ cargo test --help
Execute all unit and integration tests and build examples of a local package

    cargo test [OPTIONS] [TESTNAME] [-- <args>...]

    -q, --quiet                      Display one character per test instead of one line
        --lib                        Test only this package's library unit tests
        --bin <NAME>...              Test only the specified binary
        --bins                       Test all binaries
        --example <NAME>...          Test only the specified example
        --examples                   Test all examples
        --test <NAME>...             Test only the specified test target
        --tests                      Test all tests
        --bench <NAME>...            Test only the specified bench target
        --benches                    Test all benches
        --all-targets                Test all targets
        --doc                        Test only this library's documentation
        --no-run                     Compile, but don't run tests
        --no-fail-fast               Run all tests regardless of failure
    -p, --package <SPEC>...          Package to run tests for
        --workspace                  Test all packages in the workspace
        --exclude <SPEC>...          Exclude packages from the test
        --all                        Alias for --workspace (deprecated)
    -j, --jobs <N>                   Number of parallel jobs, defaults to # of CPUs
    -r, --release                    Build artifacts in release mode, with optimizations
        --profile <PROFILE-NAME>     Build artifacts with the specified profile
        --features <FEATURES>...     Space or comma separated list of features to activate
        --all-features               Activate all available features
        --no-default-features        Do not activate the `default` feature
        --target <TRIPLE>...         Build for the target triple
        --target-dir <DIRECTORY>     Directory for all generated artifacts
        --manifest-path <PATH>       Path to Cargo.toml
        --ignore-rust-version        Ignore `rust-version` specification in packages
        --message-format <FMT>...    Error format
        --unit-graph                 Output build graph in JSON (unstable)
        --future-incompat-report     Outputs a future incompatibility report at the end of the build
    -v, --verbose                    Use verbose output (-vv very verbose/ output)
        --color <WHEN>               Coloring: auto, always, never
        --frozen                     Require Cargo.lock and cache are up to date
        --locked                     Require Cargo.lock is up to date
        --offline                    Run without accessing the network
        --config <KEY=VALUE>...      Override a configuration value (unstable)
    -Z <FLAG>...                     Unstable (nightly-only) flags to Cargo, see 'cargo -Z help' for details
    -h, --help                       Prints help information

    <TESTNAME>    If specified, only run tests containing this string in their names
    <args>...     Arguments for the test binary

Run `cargo help test` for more detailed information.
Run `cargo test -- --help` for test binary options.


    cargo test [OPTIONS] [TESTNAME] [-- <args>...]
# 中略
    <TESTNAME>    If specified, only run tests containing this string in their names
    <args>...     Arguments for the test binary

--の後に続く文字列は、Arguments for the test binaryテストバイナリへの引数として渡される、と書いてありますね。


上記のhelp末尾にRun cargo test -- --help for test binary options.とあるので、これに従います。

$ cargo test -- --help
# 中略
Usage: --help [OPTIONS] [FILTERS...]

                        Run ignored and not ignored tests
        --ignored       Run only ignored tests
                        Forces tests to run in-process when panic=abort
                        Excludes tests marked as should_panic
        --test          Run tests and not benchmarks
        --bench         Run benchmarks instead of tests
        --list          List all tests and benchmarks
    -h, --help          Display this message
        --logfile PATH  Write logs to the specified file
        --nocapture     don't capture stdout/stderr of each task, allow
                        printing directly
        --test-threads n_threads
                        Number of threads used for running tests in parallel
        --skip FILTER   Skip tests whose names contain FILTER (this flag can
                        be used multiple times)
    -q, --quiet         Display one character per test instead of one line.
                        Alias to --format=terse
        --exact         Exactly match filters rather than by substring
        --color auto|always|never
                        Configure coloring of output:
                        auto = colorize if stdout is a tty and tests are run
                        on serially (default);
                        always = always colorize output;
                        never = never colorize output;
        --format pretty|terse|json|junit
                        Configure formatting of output:
                        pretty = Print verbose output;
                        terse = Display one character per test;
                        json = Output a json document;
                        junit = Output a JUnit document
        --show-output   Show captured stdout of successful tests
    -Z unstable-options Enable nightly-only flags:
                        unstable-options = Allow use of experimental features
        --report-time [plain|colored]
                        Show execution time of each test. Available values:
                        plain = do not colorize the execution time (default);
                        colored = colorize output according to the `color`
                        parameter value;
                        Threshold values for colorized output can be
                        configured via
                        `RUST_TEST_TIME_DOCTEST` environment variables.
                        Expected format of environment variable is
                        Durations must be specified in milliseconds, e.g.
                        `500,2000` means that the warn time
                        is 0.5 seconds, and the critical time is 2 seconds.
                        Not available for --format=terse
        --ensure-time   Treat excess of the test execution time limit as
                        Threshold values for this option can be configured via
                        `RUST_TEST_TIME_DOCTEST` environment variables.
                        Expected format of environment variable is
                        `CRITICAL_TIME` here means the limit that should not
                        be exceeded by test.
        --shuffle       Run tests in random order
        --shuffle-seed SEED
                        Run tests in random order; seed the random number
                        generator with SEED
# 以下略

--nocaptureの記述を見つけました。 抜粋します。

        --nocapture     don't capture stdout/stderr of each task, allow
                        printing directly

stdout/stderrをキャプチャせずに表示させる、とあります。 これこそまさに今回やりたいことです。


  • --の後に続く値はテストバイナリへの引数として渡される
  • テストバイナリオプション--nocaptureは、stdout/stderrをキャプチャせずに表示させるオプション


今回はcargo testでprint結果を表示する方法を整理し、その独特なコマンドオプションの渡し方を読み解きました。





Why doesn't println! work in Rust unit tests? - Stack Overflow

`cargo test --nocapture` no longer works after docopts landing · Issue #296 · rust-lang/cargo · GitHub